Vivobene offers Daily Rates whether for a brief visit, a vacation stay, or temporary nursing care. The Daily rates offer an optimal price-perfomance for stays of up to 6 months.
For stays exceeding 6 months, Vivobene’s Long stay Packages offer increasingly favorable rates compared to daily rates.
Whether it's a brief visit, a vacation stay, or temporary care, our daily rates offer optimal price-performance for stays up to 6 months.
Guests choose a (1) Room option and each guest selects a (2) Meal plan. Additionally, guests have the choice to include an (3) Assistance & Nursing Care package.
Required for each booking.
If required, a hospital bed can be provided in the Pavilion Rooms
at an additional charge of 300 Baht (THB) per day.
Required for each Guest.
* Lunch / Dinner include: Soup or Salad, Meal, Dessert, Drinking Water, and Coffee & Tea.
Optional for each Guest
A Service Charge of 10% will be added to the Assistance- & Nursing Care Package.
Extra Nurse Escort Service outside of Vivobene (except of Medical appointments)
Up to 4 hours: THB 800.- / up to 8 hours: THB 1,400.- (for every Assistance- & Nursing Care package)
All prices are subject to VAT (7%)
The long stay packages are tailored for stays exceeding 6 months, offering increasingly favorable rates compared to daily rates.
Each package includes (1) Room, (2) Meal Plan, and (3) Assistance- & Nursing Care components, along with a one-time Entrance and Deposit payment.
Costs are per guest. Each guest must select one option from each component.
Required for each Guest.
If required, a hospital bed can be provided in the Pavilion Rooms
at an additional charge of 4,500 Baht (THB) per month.
Required for each Guest.
* Lunch / Dinner include: Soup or Salad, Meal, Dessert, Drinking Water, and Coffee & Tea.
Required for each Guest.
A Service Charge of 10% will be added to the Assistance- & Nursing Care Package.
Required per booking.
All prices are subject to VAT (7%)
Below you can download the price lists in a clear format as a PDF file for printing.
Contact us directly and without any obligation with the contact form.